Specialty Archery PXL Hunter Peep Verifiers

Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers #Pxsv4 (Silver) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv4 (Silver) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv5 (Purple) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv6 (Pink) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv7 (Blue) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv8 (White) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv9 (Orange) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers #Pxsv4 (Silver) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxs Target Peep Verifiers Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv4 (Silver) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv5 (Purple) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv6 (Pink) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv7 (Blue) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv8 (White) Sight & Kisser Button
Specialty Archery Pxl Hunter Peep Verifiers Pxlhv9 (Orange) Sight & Kisser Button

Specialty Archery

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Don’t let changes in your vision compromise your ability to make the shot.
  • The Verifier has a lens in it similar to those found in reading glasses.
  • Allows you to see your sight pins better on your hunting sight.
  • 6 PXL Hunter Peep Verifier Lenses to select from:
    • #4 is the weakest, #9 is the strongest.
      • #PXLHV4 #4 Silver PXL Hunter Peep Verifier Lens.
      • #PXLH5 #5 Purple PXL Hunter Peep Verifier Lens.
      • #PXLH6 #6 Pink PXL Hunter Peep Verifier Lens.
      • #PXLH7 #7 Blue PXL Hunter Peep Verifier Lens.
      • #PXLH8 #8 White PXL Hunter Peep Verifier Lens.
      • #PXLH9 #9 Orange PXL Hunter Peep Verifier Lens.
  • Required Accessories:
    • #PXLH BLK PXL Hunter Peep.
    • #PXLHA_ PXL Hunter Peep Aperture or #PXLHAKT PXL Hunter Peep Aperture Kit, contains all 3 Apertures.
  • Optional PXL Hunter Peep Shade Cap recommended– screws into front of peep to prevent glare.
  • OCT – Optical Centered Technology – Improved centration of lenses for ultimate accuracy.
  • PLT – Protected Lens Technology – Lenses protected in the peep by plastic lens seats on 2 sides to prevent cracking.
  • Glass lens Made in the USA.
  • Improved centration eliminates rotational image shift.
  • PXL Hunter Peep Verifier Lens can be removed from the PXL Hunter Peep Capture Aperture for easy cleaning.
  • We recommend Lens Brite Anti Fog Lens Cleaner (#641), Lens Cleaning Swab (#501) or Premium Lens Cleaning Swabs ((#502), and Clarifier and Verifier Cleaning Vial 10ml (#SA-CV) for cleaning the lenses.
  • Protect your peep from dust, debris and moisture with the Peep Guard (#PG1-BLK or #PG1-RD).
  • NOTE:
    • PXL Hunter Peep Apertures, PXL Hunter Peep Clarifiers, and PXL Hunter Peep Verifiers fit into Specialty Archery PXL Hunter Peep ONLY. 
    • NOT compatible with other Specialty Archery peeps.
  • PXL Hunter Peep and component weights:
    • PXL Hunter Peep – 30.5 grains
    • PXL Hunter Peep Capture Aperture – 7.5 grains
    • PXL Hunter Peep Clarifiers/Verifiers – 3.5 grains
    • PXL Hunter Peep Shade Cap – 3.0 grains