Eco-Dipper Timber Shaft Sealer

Eco-Dipper Timber Shaft Sealer Archery Tools
Eco-Dipper Timber Shaft Sealer Replacement Gasket Archery Tools
Eco-Dipper Timber Shaft Sealer Archery Tools
Eco-Dipper Timber Shaft Sealer Replacement Gasket Archery Tools



The Eco-Dipper attaches to your paint or sealer can, saving time and space.

You simply dip the end of your shaft into the paint or sealer so there is a large amount on the end of the shaft. Then draw the shaft through the Eco-Dipper gasket without stopping. Your shaft will have a complete coat of paint or stain.

You can also use the Eco-Dipper to cap dip your shafts!

It's an amazing tool that saves time and hassle. Fast and easy clean up makes it great for the beginner arrow builder and those with little work space.

NOTE: Depending on the type of stain used, the Eco-Dipper will wipe it all of the way off. Mostly oil based stains will not work well because they are not a penetrating stain. Alcohol and water-based stains should work, but results may vary and coats will be lighter than those applied with a cloth.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Len Copley

Great price for the Eco Dipper shaft sealer, previously, I had to purchase this item from the U.S.A.